Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Apple Sidra

I picked this drink up at my local Asian Grocer. It's basically just a lightly carbonated apple soda. Now, I like my sodas super carbonated. To me, that is what defines a soda. I like it to sting my mouth a little bit. However, I also really like apples.

My apologies. I am rambling. In any case, Apple Sidra is overall a pretty good drink. The apple taste is very natural (as with most Asian beverages), but as a result it is also very rich and sugary. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I could only drink about half of the can at one time, so Apple Sidra does lose minor points for sustainability of the serving size. I have a hard time holding it against the beverage, though, as it's a price that I'm willing to pay for a more natural, unadulterated flavor. Overall, I enjoyed my time with the beverage, but it is very rich, so if you're not a huge fan of apples, I can't recommend it.

Verdict: Recommended for hardcore apple lovers such as myself.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

RC Cola (12 oz. Glass Bottle)

RC is the best cola. Period. Especially with real sugar.

Verdict: Recommended.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Jamaican Hibiscus Tang

This is an...interesting drink mix. I saw it at Wal-Mart and decided that I had to try it. Initially, I thought that it was going to just be hibiscus flavored Tang, but it's an actual stand-alone drink. I've had a whole glass, and I'm still not really sure how I feel about it. It's very strong, and very sweet, and has a weird chemical burn to it. I'm not entirely sure what hibiscus tastes like, so I can't really attest to the accuracy of the flavoring, but I guess it tastes all right. It pretty much tastes like a strangely flavored, more concentrated Kool-Aid. It is worth noting that adding sugar is not a part of the mixing process for this beverage, but somehow it still tastes sweeter than Kool-Aid with a cup of sugar in it. I have a hard time recommending this one, but it isn't terrible.

Verdict: Try this only if you must experience it. You're not missing out on much otherwise.