Monday, April 27, 2009

Red Bull Cola

I do not like teh Red Bulls. I think that it is a rancid, overly acidic, mouth-parching, sickening excuse for a beverage. I could not even finish the first and only eight ounce serving that I purchased last year. So I don't know what inspired me to purchase this Red Bull brand Cola today, but...I did. And it was delicious. The first drink was amazing. It has probably the strongest, most pure Cola taste of any common Cola. It was delicious, that is, until the aftertaste kicked in. The aftertaste here was an absolute deal breaker. It was disgusting. A few seconds after I had finished the first drink, a bitter, revolting aftertaste arose from the depths of my throat and seized every active section of my olfactory system. It was gross. The drink gets points for taste, but loses major major points on aftertaste. There is no reprieve. I could say that this drink sustains well and that I had no trouble finishing it, but the only reason that that would be true is because I was constantly taking drinks to delay the horrible aftertaste that I knew was just ready to pounce. This drink it bad. I think it is safe to say that I will not be trying another Red Bull product in the future.

Verdict: Not recommended

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sierra Mist: Ruby Splash

Sierra Mist is good. I usually prefer Sprite (despite the fact that it is a Coca-Cola product), but Sierra Mist wins because of Ruby Splash. Ruby Splash is just Sierra Mist with a hint of grapefruit. And it is delicious. It is tasty without being tart or sour, and doesn't dry out your mouth like everything else containing grapefruit. Grapefruit juice is interesting. It's one of the few drinks that I know of that requires another separate drink to rehydrate your mouth. That and Capri Sun. That stuff was horrible...why did we drink it all the time? 

Anyway, Ruby Splash. Ruby splash is a welcome change in this world of flavor blasted snacks and drinks. Modern beverages are all hyper flavored, and I'm terrified of every variation of a classic drink that I pick up, because eight times out of ten, the added flavor is overwhelming. This is not the case with Ruby Splash. The hint of grapefruit is just that: a hint. It's very faint, but it is just strong enough to change the experience and give you a unique Sierra Mist taste. It's pretty good.

Verdict: Recommended.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Apple Limeaid from Sonic

I went to Sonic tonight with my girlfriend, and on the way out I decided to grab a random drink that I've never had before. So I went with an Apple Limeaid. It was a mistake. Well, the main mistake was getting a large. This drink was so sweet and so acidic (from both the limes and the apples) that finishing the cup was a chore. It was good. The first drink was amazing. But after a few more sips, it was overwhelming. It's not a bad thing to try, but there are much better beverages from Sonic on which to spend your money.

Verdict: Get something else. If you really must try it, get a small. Hell, even a kid's cup would be enough.